The School Librarian’s Digital Tool Box

School Librarians sitting at tables working on their computers

Hello Everyone! I am glad to be back on the blog. I’d like to thank my amazing colleague, Dr. Stephanie Jones, for blogging while I was visiting school libraries in Northwest Brazil. I look forward to sharing more about that experience with you all at a later date.

Like Judi, Stephanie and I also presented a half-day workshop at this year’s AASL 2015 Conference: Three Must-Have Tools for the School Librarian’s Digital Leadership Toolbox. Also like Judi, I too firmly believe in the importance of the school librarian’s role as instructional partner. As instructional partners, school librarians are responsible for becoming familiar with a broader amount of curriculum – not just the content itself, but how this content is taught vertically throughout the different grade levels. Any school librarian will tell you that this is a humongous undertaking!

It is important that we harness tools that help us to keep abreast of resources that can help improve our instructional partnering capabilities. This is what “smooshing” together Weebly, Twitter and Rebelmouse is all about. Combined, these tools help school librarians create a visually organized and categorized collection of instructional materials, feeds, professional development opportunities, community groups etc. and etc.

The best part is that these tools provide tangible evidence of a school librarian’s instructional planning process – a necessary step in explaining and advocating for this vital role to administrators, classroom teachers, students and parents.

Please visit the Hackpad of Resources we created to learn more! Simply x-out of the login box. There is no need to set up an account to explore the links we shared.


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