The Library 2.012 Conference, a free virtual professional development opportunity, will be held this week from today October 3rd through Friday, October 5th. Check it out at:
Many school librarians are involved in presenting sessions. So check out the schedule in your time zone.
On Thursday at 7:00 p.m. Central Time, TWU doctoral student Ruth Nicole Hall and I will be presenting a session.
Telling Your Advocacy Story with Digital Tools
In this session, we will discuss the importance of harnessing the power of software and Web 2.0 tools to reach school library stakeholders to make a case for the central role of school librarians is creating vibrant literacy learning communities in their schools. Using digital stories to deliver advocacy messages is an effective and efficient way to reach out to classroom teachers, school administrators, K-12 students, and their families.
We will share several examples and will use a digital advocacy story focused on coteaching and targeted to classroom teachers and principals as our primary example.
We hope many Building a Culture of Collaboration Blog readers will attend the conference.
See you online!